Get Your Insurance

Insurance for Trekking, Safari and Adventure Activities

Travel insurance is mandatory for all activities you undertake with Firantes, and you must provide it to us before the trip.

From the following link, you can personally purchase your insurance with us, or if you prefer, get in touch with us, and we’ll take care of the process.

Below, we explain all the steps to follow and provide details about the suitable insurance for traveling to Nepal and its coverage.

Travel insurance to Nepal

In this detailed guide, we will show you the best insurance for traveling to Nepal, the essential coverage that a policy of this type must have, its price, and, finally, how to easily and quickly purchase travel insurance.

Everything ready for a trip to the Himalayas with the best guarantees? Let’s get started!

Why should you purchase travel insurance for Nepal?

Firstly, as we’ve mentioned, travel insurance is mandatory for all activities you undertake with us.

At home, we often aren’t aware of the immense luck we have in having a public and free healthcare system that ensures top-notch care without having to pay anything out of our pockets. The situation changes completely once we cross our borders and find ourselves in a different country. The norm, especially in Asian, African, or South American countries, is usually the same: it’s really difficult to find hospitals and medical centers that offer quality care, and when they exist, prices for tourists tend to be exorbitant. Nepal is no exception, and if you venture to visit the country without adequate travel insurance for Nepal, you could face bills of thousands of euros that could completely ruin your trip or receive care in clinics with inadequate facilities.

Having the best travel insurance for Nepal is synonymous with being able to access the country’s best hospitals without having to pay a cent for it.

A slip down the stairs of a beautiful temple resulting in an ankle sprain, respiratory issues due to the extensive pollution in cities like Kathmandu, or an upset stomach from a dish too potent for your stomach could all signal a visit to the doctor accompanied by a bill with many zeros.

Nepal is also globally renowned as one of the best destinations for trekking. Not every travel insurance is suitable, as not all cover such activities, and even less so, specific places like Everest Base Camp. Hence, on such trips, your international medical policy shifts from being highly recommended to absolutely essential.

During a journey abroad, besides health concerns, it’s crucial to have the peace of mind knowing that you are protected at every moment of your trip. This is why travel insurance for Nepal becomes even more critical, as with the best coverage, you’ll also be protected in cases like issues with your luggage, delays in contracted transportation, violent theft, repatriation, and more.

What is the best travel insurance for Nepal?

In the following section, we will talk about the coverages that your travel insurance for Nepal must absolutely have to ensure it will cover you in all activities and places you will visit in the country.

If you have no doubts about the urgent need for the best travel insurance for Nepal and don’t want to waste time, get your IATI Backpacker now. As you will see when we discuss its coverages in detail, it is a 100% international policy designed for a country like this, and thanks to its very high medical coverage and additional benefits, it will ensure that, whatever happens during your trip, you are fully protected. Don’t wait any longer and get it now:

What should the best travel insurance for Nepal have, characteristics?

It happens if you travel to New York, Turkey, Australia, or Paris. Each destination has entirely different characteristics, and the international policy that fits one doesn’t match another. In Nepal, this is, if possible, even more evident.

In Nepal, you will find yourself surrounded by nature, unique cities, and activities that make it essential to have insurance tailored to specific needs. The coverages listed below are the ones your travel insurance for Nepal should have, all included in your IATI Backpacker.

Assistance in your language 24 hours

Whether it’s an accident during a trek in the Annapurnas or an upset stomach due to spoiled or too spicy food, it’s extremely important that you can request assistance easily and quickly. Can you imagine having to ask for help for something as complicated as a high mountain rescue in a language different from yours? It would mean a loss of time and details that could be, literally, vital.

At IATI, thanks to your travel insurance for Nepal, they will always assist you in your language to make things easy for you. They will be available for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and if you contact them by phone, you can recover the cost of your international call by providing them with the receipt for that expense.

Quality, fast, in your language, at all times, and free assistance.

High coverage for medical assistance

There aren’t many high-level hospitals in the country, and using the available ones comes with a really high cost. Therefore, your IATI Backpacker travel insurance for Nepal is equipped with coverage for medical assistance up to 500,000 euros.

Thanks to this high payment guarantee, you ensure that if you need medical tests such as CT scans, X-rays, surgeries, or hospitalization, you won’t have to pay the thousands of euros from your own pocket.

Adventure sports in Nepal

This is one of the most important aspects to consider when purchasing your travel insurance for Nepal. Here, unique activities await you that, in many cases, not only connect you with lush nature but also skyrocket your adrenaline levels. Cycling routes, rafting through wild rivers, Tibetan bridges to cross spectacular landscapes, climbing… the list is practically endless! Besides the adrenaline rush we mentioned, the other common thing among all these activities is that they are usually not covered by the majority of insurance policies. Thanks to your IATI Backpacker, you will have Adventure Sports coverage that will protect you against these and many more experiences.

IMPORTANT! One of the top activities that, as a mountain lover, you can experience in Nepal is trekking to Everest Base Camp. Companies that offer coverage for these adventure activities usually provide coverage up to 3,000 – 4,000 meters in altitude. Everest Base Camp is located at 5,364 meters above sea level, and with the best travel insurance for Nepal, your IATI Backpacker, you will also be protected there because they cover up to where no one else reaches: 5,400 meters.

A problem at these altitudes would result in the need for a helicopter rescue, which can only be done by helicopter and, without international coverage, would cost you around 5,000 euros. Thanks to the coverage of up to 15,000 euros for search and rescue in the IATI Backpacker, you can enjoy this mountaineering paradise without worrying about it.

No deductibles, you won’t have to pay anything out of your pocket

Do you know what a policy with a deductible is? One of 100 euros, for example, means that every time you need medical assistance in Nepal, you will always have to pay the first 100 euros, even if you have insurance, and your policy will cover the rest. Many companies hide this condition in the fine print. Consider a scenario where you have a minor sprain and need to visit the doctor several times for tests and follow-up: you would pay for each visit.

At IATI, they don’t work with deductibles and will always cover from the first cent of your medical assistance.

No upfront payment for medical assistance

Thanks to your IATI Backpacker travel insurance for Nepal, they will cover your medical assistance within the high coverage of up to 500,000 euros without you having to pay anything upfront. Many insurers require you to bear the expenses, which can sometimes be thousands of euros, and then start a lengthy process to recover your money.

With IATI, it’s that simple and convenient: when we contact their assistance center, they will direct you to the best hospital or health center where they can treat your problem. Upon arrival, they will be ready for you, and after your visit, they will cover both the expenses and any medical tests or prescribed medicines. You won’t need to pay anything.

In case of an emergency where you have to quickly receive assistance without being able to contact them first, after providing them with the medical reports and relevant invoices, they will reimburse your expenses as soon as possible.

Lost luggage and theft included

In any trip, there can be incidents beyond those related to your health, and this is no exception. Thanks to extensive coverage of up to 1,500 euros, you will be covered in cases such as lost luggage or theft with violence.

But, in addition, your IATI Backpacker also has other coverages that also consider cases like the recovery of forgotten objects, delays in the departure of your means of transportation, delays in the delivery of checked baggage, or, among others, issues with your transportation due to a strike or technical failure.

Option for cancellation – cancelation of your trip to Nepal

Organizing a trip of this nature is synonymous with buying flights to the country, making accommodation reservations, hiring activities, or even applying for permits for a major trekking adventure. It’s at this point that many travelers wonder, ‘What happens if I ultimately have to cancel my trip for a serious reason? Would I lose everything I invested?

At IATI, with over 135 years of experience, they continually redesign their products to meet the needs of their travelers. That’s why they were pioneers in offering the now beloved Trip Cancellation Supplement.

Thanks to it, if you couldn’t go on your trip due to any of the different reasons considered in the terms and conditions, they will refund up to 2,000 euros of the expenses you can’t recover directly from your travel providers.

With your international medical insurance for Nepal, you are covered throughout your trip, but if you want, also in case you can’t carry it out.

Travel insurance to Nepal with COVID-19 coverage

The coronavirus pandemic also disrupted the world of tourism, and, like with the Trip Cancellation Supplement, they took a step forward to protect their travelers.

Now, all their insurance policies, including the IATI Backpacker, are travel insurance with COVID-19 coverage. If you need assistance during your visit to Nepal, the 500,000 euros of medical coverage will also take care of you in the case of COVID-19; as well as possible PCR tests prescribed by a specialist at the destination or, among other cases, the extension of your trip due to mandatory quarantine.

Coverage of the travel insurance for Nepal

These are the essential coverages you need for this adventure, all included in this travel insurance for Nepal. This all-terrain super policy also has many more features that make it the best on the market. You can see them in detail on the IATI Backpacker page.

Next, we show you in a much more visual way some of the figures for the main coverages we just talked about:

    • Travel insurance to Nepal: IATI Backpacker

    • Coverage for Medical Expenses (including COVID-19): 500.000 €

    • Theft and damage to luggage: 1.500 €

    • Adventure sports: 100%

    • Cancellation expenses (optional): 2.000 €

    • Repatriation: 100%

How much does travel insurance to Nepal cost?

It is possible that, being the best travel insurance for Nepal and offering unique coverages such as medical assistance up to 500,000 euros and coverage in trekking up to 5,400 meters in altitude, you might think that the price is high. On the contrary, another reason that makes your IATI Backpacker the best medical policy for Nepal is its incredible value for money.

As you can see next, the price of your insurance represents a minimal cost within the budget for your trip, and in case you need assistance, it will become a huge saving of perhaps thousands of euros.

    • International medical insurance: IATI Backpacker

    • Price for 1 week: 38.48 €

    • Price for 2 weeks: 66.48 €

    • Price for 3 weeks: 84.78 €

How to hire the best travel insurance for Nepal

Contracting your Nepal travel insurance is a very straightforward process. Just follow these steps:

In the menu, you should enter the details of your trip:

    • Your place of residence

    • The destination of the trip: in this case, Nepal

    • The start and end dates of the trip

    • The number of travelers

    • Type of insurance: travel insurance

After completing the menu, click on ‘Calculate,’ select your IATI Backpacker, and click on ‘Hire.’ Here you can add your Cancellation Supplement, which we talked about in the previous point, and with which you can recover up to 2,000 euros in case you have to cancel your trip due to any of the many cases considered. It’s the favorite add-on for travelers heading to Nepal, as it’s really worth it.

Now enter your personal information, make the payment, and you will then receive all the information about your travel insurance to Nepal in your email, along with the contact details in case you need assistance during this adventure.

That’s how simple it is to hire travel insurance to Nepal!

Insurance for Peak Climbing and Expeditions

This is the best insurance for Peak Climbing and Expeditions




    • Field rescue & medical evacuation

    • Medical advisory & intelligence

    • Destination reports & alerts

    • Transport to home hospital of choice



    • Available to all nationalities

    • Must be under 75 years old (75-84 with Extended Plan)



7 DAYS / 14 DAYS / 30 DAYS



    • Physical extraction when you are in danger of bodily harm.

    • Includes civil unrest, natural disasters, government evacuation orders and other security emergencies.


    • For individuals traveling above 15,000 ft (4,600 m) during any part of their trip (excluding airplane travel).

    • Emergency physical transport due to injury or illness.





The world’s best prepared organizations choose Global Rescue for their travelers. You should too.



They pioneered worldwide field rescue for their members in remote or dangerous environments. Their deployable teams are standing by to rescue their members from the point of illness or injury for any serious medical emergency.


Their fully deployable medical teams have unparalleled capabilities to transport their members back to their home hospital of choice from anywhere in the world. This includes global COVID-19 transport.


Their operations centers are staffed by experienced nurses, paramedics and military special operations veterans. Global Rescue also has partnerships with the Johns Hopkins Emergency Medicine Division of Special Operations, Elite Medical Group and Partners HealthCare, the Harvard Medical School affiliate.


Their teams of military special operations veterans are available to provide advisory, consultation and evacuation services for events like natural disasters, terror attacks and civil unrest when you are in danger.


Destination reports for 215 countries and principalities worldwide include entry requirements, COVID-19 travel status and restrictions, detailed health and security assessments and required immunizations. Keep up to date on health and security events worldwide.


Access Global Rescue services in one location. Browse destination reports and alerts, activate emergency assistance, real-time virtual health visits and keep track of the people you care about with GPS tracking and messaging.


Included in Global Rescue Memberships

    • Visa and passport services

    • Translation services in 190 languages

    • Legal service location in 160 countries

    • Logistics management and coordination


Referrals to more than 200 international Centers of Excellence and over 5,000 clinics and care facilities.


They take care of the complexities and transport remains to your home morgue of choice.

Security Membership Upgrade

Add on their advisory and extraction services for natural disasters, civil unrest, government evacuation orders and other events that threaten your safety.


Short Term Memberships

Short term memberships include 7, 14 or 30 day options for individuals or families.


The perfect add-on to your Global Rescue membership. Protect the value of your trip up to $100,000 with cancellation options that include Cancel For Any Reason, accident and sickness medical insurance and baggage loss.


All the services included in a travel membership, plus immediate access to a team of medical experts for real-time video consultations and treatment. Board-certified doctors are licensed in all 50 states. Doctors have the ability to prescribe and order labs or diagnostic imaging.


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